Sunday, December 18, 2005

Abel Tasman

Altered our schedule slightly to try and see a little of the coast of the Abel Tasman National Park in the top left corner of Southland, so we were on the road at 9am today. That's a record for us. More great unphotographable views up the coast, and then up the Buller Gorge (though the latter was my fault for not stopping when I should have).
I have realised that NZ is where old buses go to die. First they are retired from active duty to part time work as camper vans, some static, some still mobile. Then, when they become too decrepit even for that, they are put on garden shed duties, or simply awaiting future restoration. That, of course, never comes, as it gets increasingly expensive, and there is no health service for buses here. So they just decay gently into the ground, fading into the background as they are camouflaged with different moulds and lichens.
Stopped at the longest swing bridge in NZ over the Buller Gorge. Had to walk it, of course. Sarah had to photograph us walking it, of course. It does bounce nicely when you get towards the middle. Especially if you make it >;-)
Made it to Kaiteriteri by mid afternoon, so were able to go & sit on the beach in the warm sun for a couple of hours before tea. Lovely.

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